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Bariatric Keto
I had gastric sleeve surgery on January 26, 2016. My starting weight in the consultation was 301 in October 2015. The last time I weighed myself was in June 2016 and I weighed 222. I've gone down 5 dress sizes since my initial consultation. However, I feel that I'm close to losing as much weight as I can with just the surgery. I have made some dietary changes, mostly just much smaller portions and calorie intake due to the fact that my stomach is smaller. I haven't gotten into an exercise routine yet. I have decided to go on a keto diet but I am in the beginning stages. I would also like to incorporate non-dairy choices, gluten-free, and meatless choices (except for seafood, I'm not giving that up) into it when I can and the taste is comparable to the "real thing" but that's not a dealbreaker. So far, I haven't made any of the recipes I've copied to the site but as I do, I will be removing ones that don't meet my seal of approval taste-wise. I want to throw myself into cooking and the keto diet and from the vast amount of information out there about both, I'll be busy for awhile.
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