Your recipes, together forever!
Add your own recipes and easily add recipes from any website. There's no recipe limit.
We keep your recipes safe: Cloud hosting with backups.
Your recipes belong to you! Download them anytime.
Recipe clipper
Click to copy any recipe from any website. You'll have your own copy of the complete recipe. Edit any part of the recipe.
You'll never lose a recipe again, not even if the original website goes away.
Add the Copy Me That button to your browser or use the app browser. Works on phones, tablets, and computers.
Recipes retain a link back to the original webpage.
Organize your recipes
Organize your recipes with collections: Dessert, Holiday, Instant Pot, Quick, whatever makes sense to you.
Filter your recipes by collection or search filters. Or just search by text.
Sort by title, newest, last edited, or random... Find those recipe you forgot you even had!
Great while cooking!
The app prevents your device from going to sleep. No more running across the kitchen to desperately touch your phone with smudgy fingers!
Scale your recipes (premium).
Premium includes a horizontal view - great for tablets!
Mark off ingredients as you use them and keep track of which step you’re at.
Share, print, and get inspired!
Get inspired by the recipes that have been shared by our Community. Share your own Community recipe box with your family and friends. You decide how much - or little - to share!
Email and share your recipes.
Print from the website. With Premium, print directly from the app and choose between several print styles.
Access from any device
Log into your account from any browser or use the app (Android and Apple iOS).
Copy Me That syncs across all your devices.
(Internet connection required.)
Copy Me That is free!
Fully functional free version. No recipe limits!
Upgrade to premium for extra features. A single premium membership can be used on any number of devices. Share with your family just by logging into the same account.