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Dactyl's Canadian Kitchen
West Coast Canadian who has discovered the thrill of preparing quality healthy (sometimes) meals "for one" and many old time family favorites I taste test on all my friends. No one has ever complained. There is a real art to cooking and baking and I love the challenge that getting it just right presents. If I have learned anything it would be that understanding and reading a recipe correctly as well as following the step by step instructions is most often critical to success. I read so many comments that follow most posted recipes and can't help but giggle when someone complains that they tried the recipe but had to substitute one ingredient for another or used more or less of this or that and then wonder why a custard failed to set or a bread recipe failed to rise. You get the picture. Many recipes are provide by dedicated people who have tested over and over their creations before writing their recipes. If you copy me that and it works for the Recipe creator than if you copy and follow completely it should work for you to. Just saying it's a lesson I have learned at some expense and frustration over the years. Best example: correct method for measuring out flour has improved my breads and cake baking to the next level.

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