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Canned Tuna Stir Fry

Servings: (2 servings total, we used 2 cans of tuna, 1 medium zucchini, 100g frozen broccoli, 2 small bell pepper, and 6 medium white mushroom, EXCLUDES the pasta)* : 199 calories, 16 carbs, 7 fat, 16 protein.

Servings: (2 servings total, we used 2 cans of tuna, 1 medium zucchini, 100g frozen broccoli, 2 small bell pepper, and 6 medium white mushroom, EXCLUDES the pasta)* : 199 calories, 16 carbs, 7 fat, 16 protein.
  • Canned tuna (The amount depends on how many servings and how much protein you will need. We use two for two meals in this video).
  • Hard vegetables: broccoli, zucchini (you can also use carrots, cauliflower, green beans, corns, sugar snap peas, etc.)
  • Soft vegetables: bell peppers, mushroom ( you can also use canned corns, canned peas, canned carrots, any other soft vegetable)
  • subheading: Flavoring:
  • ½ chopped onion
  • 1 to 2 cloves of garlic minced
  • 1 tsp soy sauce ( for less salt, go with Bragg's amino or coconut amino)
  • 1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine (other cooking wine would work as well)
  • Your favorite seasonings ( we use salt, pepper, garlic/onion powder, and paprika)
  • Cooking oil: Olive oil ( you can go with coconut /sesame oil or butter)
  • subheading: Other things you can add to this stir fry:
  • Fried eggs for extra flavoring and protein; Green onions; grated cheese; or sesame oil for extra flavoring and garnish.
  • Cook rice or pasta beforeduring/after this recipe to add a carb source to this stir fry. You can also add potatoes or any other carb sources.
  1. Turn the stove to medium high heat anddd 1 tbsp of olive oil into a wok or a large frying pan. Pour in the onion and garlic. Let it cook for 2 to 3 min or until the onion and garlic are browned.
  2. Add in hard vegetables and season to your preference. Let it cook for 5 min or the vegetables start to get soft.
  3. Add in soft vegetables and season again to your preference. Add in wine and soy sauce and let everything cook for another 5 to 10 min or until the liquid is absorbed by the vegetables.
  4. Turn the stove to low heat and add in the canned tuna (or fried eggs if you have on hand or need extra protein). Stir everything very well and season one more time to your preference (no salt is recommended). Turn off the stove and let everything sit for 10 min before serve or put into containers.
  5. Divide the stir fry into your preferred portions. Mix them in with the right amount of pasta or rice. Serve the amount you need right now, store the rest in containers, and store them in fridge or freezer for later.
  • You can adjust the vegetables, amount of vegetables, amount of tuna and other ingredients to your macro preference and the amount of meals you will need.

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