Playing My Part to Promote TASTY Healthy Meals. Come against FAKE FOODS - they are Unhealthy and Addictive. I have HEALTHY, SPICY and INTERNATIONAL Here, plus Vegan and Vegetarian for those interested. Plenty of Interesting Recipes. Check them out and See. ENJOY!
They Love their Roasted Capsicums and have made this New Variation for Hummus, Garlic and Sumac is added. Michelle is good with her application of Spices!
This is one of the Main Foods people in Middle Eastern Countries have on Family Occasions and Festive Occasions. They scoop some in little pieces of Pita Bread or Lebanese Bread - you can lightly toast it so it's Crispy. Kefir is really good for our Gut and Digestion and Benefits our Health.
Raw Honey OR Genuine Maple Syrup go Well with this Side-Dish. It is bad advice to say any other sweetener of choice. That leaves people open to Cane Sugar which defeats the purpose of having Kefir for our Gut Health and Immune System - and the Dangers of all the Modern Synthetic Sweeteners. I found out some Real Cautions about Erythritol, Splenda, Sucralose, Truvia, and the List goes on! Always buy Organic Oats because Commercial Growers spray Toxic RoundUp a few days before Harvests!
This is one of the Main Foods people in Middle Eastern Countries have on Family Occasions and Festive Occasions. They scoop some in little pieces of Pita Bread or Lebanese Bread - you can lightly toast it so it's Crispy. Kefir is really good for our Gut and Digestion and Benefits our Health.
Lots of Knowledge on this Website - Each Recipe based on Food Science. Really Good for Natural Health Advocates OR those who are New to Good Healthy Meals. ENJOY!