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Strawberry Semifreddo

Servings: 10 to 12

Servings: 10-12
  • 4 eggs separated
  • 500'ml whipping cream
  • 1 ½ cups of sugar divided in two
  • 500 grams strawberries ( or combination of berries)
  • ½ lemon juiced ( for strawberries only)
  • 1 vanilla stick
  1. 1. Clean and quarter strawberries, cook together with the vanilla, simmer and turn off. Cool.
  2. 2. Whip the cream...set aside.
  3. 3. Whip the egg yolks with ⅓ of sugar till color is light yellow.
  4. 4. Whip the egg whites....slowly add sugar until the whites are glossy and stiff.
  5. 5. Add the cooled strawberries to the egg yolk mixture.
  6. 6. Slowly and carefully fold in the cream and the egg whites, until mixture is even.
  7. 7. Turn into single serving cups and freeze
  8. 8. Remove from freezer ½ hour before serving
  9. 9. Whizz together fresh mint with sugar.... place dollop with a small spoon, serve.

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