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  1. Recipe for Chenapoda
  2. #EDDessert
  3. In a mixing bowl add 2packets 425ml/15oz ricotta cheese,
  4. add ⅓ cup suji(semolina),
  5. 1cup sugar,
  6. 4 to 5spoons condense milk(optional),
  7. 3 to 4 crushed elaichi,
  8. cashew 8 to 10pcs,
  9. raisins 10 to 15pcs,
  10. mix it well then in a ovensafe bowl spread butter/oil, then pour the mix
  11. preheat oven at 450f...bake for 1hr..and when its light brown then broil for 2mins.
  12. let it cool down....before serving in pan put half cup water...add 2 spoon sugar..boil it for 5mins and then pour into the cake and let it cool for another 15mins.

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