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From www.facebook.com/groups/InstantPotCommunity/permalink/165...

"I refuse to pay $4 a gallon for Fairlife, but i cant scald the milk without it sticking to the bottom of the pot, so I've done this once a week for the past year. Never had it fail."
  • Nido Fortificado. About $15 for the big can, enough to make a batch a week for about 2 or 3 months.
  • Fage yogurt single serve
  1. Key...mix it twice as strong as directions say. I use two cups powder to a quart of water, makes a quart plus a cup of yogurt.
  2. Add a whole single serve container of Fage. Too much trouble to divide and freeze.
  3. Gently whisk it together
  4. Set the IP to Yogurt mode.  In eight hours, I'll have thick, creamy yogurt. No straining.

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