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Claire and Kate’s Blueberry muffins

Servings: 12 reg muffins

Servings: 12 reg muffins
  • ½ cup oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla
  • 1 ¾ cups flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 ½ cups blueberries
  1. Preheat oven to 375
  2. Whisk oil and eggs.
  3. Add sugar and beat 2 mins.
  4. Add vanilla , lemon juice, lemon zest and mix.
  5. Add flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Mix until incorporated, do not overmix
  6. Fold in blueberries.
  7. Divide into 12 regular muffin tins and top with decorative sugar if desired
  8. Bake 11 minutes, rotate and 11 more minutes.
  • Tried in loaf pan at 350 for 20,20,8,6 but was still not cooked in center

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