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Buy the small Lupins, not the Big Lupins. If you read her Webpage notes, she will explain. The small Lupins are the Nicer ones and take less time to prepare. Apparently, you can make Tofu with Lupins which is much to be preferred to Soy Tofu. I am looking for a simple Recipe for how to make Lupin Tofu. It is exceptionally rich in Protein just like Soy Beans but is much more Nutritious. Read SOY articles on my Website oursaustralia.com to find the True Facts. Soy is a Ploy and into huge Deforestation. Make a "Tofu" search in my Collection to find alternative ways to make Tofu.
  • 1 cup Lupini Dry variety
  • 1 tablespoon Salt
  • 5 cups water
Note: Ingredients may have been altered from the original.
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