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Bulletproof Coffee Drops

Servings: 9

Servings: 9
  • ½ c organic grass-fed butter
  • 1 c organic coconut oil, melted
  • ½ tsp cinnamon powder
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  1. Make ghee out of the ½ c butter.
  2. ♥ Place butter in pan over medium heat.
  3. ♥ When milk solids have formed a ring around the side of the pan, remove from heat (about 10 minutes of cooking).
  4. ♥ Strain butter thru a paper towel, cheesecloth or coffee filter into a pint jar. Seal jar.
  5. ♥ This does not have to be refrigerated.
  6. Combine ghee with melted coconut oil, sea salt and cinnamon.
  7. Whisk and pour into an ice cube tray.
  8. Freeze. Remove from tray and pop into a glass container and cover.
  9. Store until ready to use.
  10. To make bulletproof coffee, place 1 cube and 10 oz hot coffee in a blender. Blend until well combined and foamy.

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