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Sunnyside Cupcakes

⛩Sunny Side Cupcakes
(Updates with more salty egg yolks and cheddar cheese option)
⛩ Inspired by the iconic Filipino breakfast/snack sponge cake ‘Puto Mamon’....now Ketofied and given a Twist by going into the oven for a warm glow☀️
♦️Sweet & Salty flavours
♦️Steamed or Baked
♦️Topped with slab of butter, cheddar cheese or cream cheese for a smooth and decadent first bite

Tips: My tongue really do not like how coconut flour taste in baking but I do need it to be the absorbant part in most keto baking, so my go-to ration is +/- 5:1 Almond flour to Coconut flour. I had been having success with this ratio.

Servings: 6 cupcakes

Servings: 6 cupcakes
  • For the cake
  • Group A
  • ☀️ 5 tbsp Almond Flour, super fine
  • ☀️ 1 tbsp Coconut Flour
  • ☀️ 1 tsp no aluminum baking powder
  • ☀️ dash of sea salt
  • Group B
  • ☀️ ¼ stick of unsalted butter, melted
  • ☀️ 2 to 3 Tbsp Monkfruit Gold Sweetener
  • ☀️ 2 eggs
  • ☀️1 tbsp heavy whip cream (for steam) Or ¼ cup heavy whip cream (for bake)
  • ☀️ ½ to 1 tsp natural vanilla
  • subheading: For the toppings:
  • ☀️ Slab of unsalted butter, cream cheese, or cheddar cheese
  • ☀️ 4 cooked salted egg yolk, cut to pieces
  1. Steps
  2. Group B
  3. 1️⃣ Melt butter and Monkfruit in a mixing bowl, whisk in all other Group B ingredients.
  4. 2️⃣in a separate bowl, sift all dry ingredients together
  5. 3️⃣ Add dry ingredients to wet, mix throughly.
  6. 4️⃣ Grease the cupcake molds with butter or coconut oil very lightly, fill molds leaving ¾” space on top for rising action, stick in ½ the egg yolks into cupcakes middle
  7. 5️⃣ steam in medium heat or bake on bottom rack @ 350F for 20minutes or until center is set/firm; (if no cheese is used) place remaining egg yolk on top of cupcakes 5 minutes into baking/steamingvtime, or place over creamcheese on top of cake post-baking. (If cheese is used) Leave cakes in pot/oven with cover/oven door open for 5 minutes after cooking to let cake cool down gently and not collapse. Topped with cheddar or solid cream cheese & remaining egg yolks while still warm.
  8. 8️⃣ remove cakes from steamer or oven, release from molds, apply butter or cream cheese  just before serving (if no cheddar cheese is used)
  9. *oven temperature varies, adjust timing to suit oven

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