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Keto Cheesecake Part 1: Pumpkin Pie
  • First cheesecake I ever made, before getting creative and possibly developing an addiction. Very simple, very easy, cooks fast and tastes great. I use a traditional ceramic deep-dish pie pan for this cheesecake, but for all the rest I'll post I highly recommend picking up one of these bad mamajamas. (Sidenote: screw you Americans I had to pay $23 on Canadian Amazon).
  • subheading: Crust:
  • 5 to 6 tbsp cream cheese -> soften, whip
  • 8 to 9 tbsp butter -> soften, whip with cheese, then slowly beat/mix into your dry ingredients, which are as follows.
  • .75 cup coconut flour, & 1.25 cup flax meal
  • 2 to 3 tbsp sweetener
  • <Press into your pan, keeping a glass of cold water to keep your spatula/fingers wet. You'll have extra, almost enough for a second full pie, or you can make tart bases for future cheesecake cupcakes>
  1. subheading: Filling / Meat / Cheesy pumpkiny goodness:
  2. Soften 1 brick of cream cheese (8oz) in the microwave, whip it up real good. Then with either a whisk or an electric mixer...
  3. subheading: Beat in 3 eggs, a dash of artificial vanilla, and then your dry ingredients:
  4. ¾ cup sweetener (recommend erytrithol), 1 to 2 tsbp cinnamon, 1 tsp nutmeg, 1 tsp cloves, and just a dash of cardamom.
  5. Finally, mix in 2 cups of pure pumpkin puree. This is one thing I recommend thinking twice about buying store brand--- sometimes it's stringy. Totes get store brand cream cheese though, fuck Philadelphia and their cheesecake-industrial complex.
  6. Mix that all up real nice, then pour it into your crust, smoothing out the top with a spatula.

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