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  • 4 cups of warmed milk
  • 3 cups of smashed spuds  or warm water
  • 6 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons of yeast
  • 2 Tbs salt
  • ½ cup oil
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 12 or more cups of flour
  1. In a blender , blend together milk and spuds .
  2. pout mixture in a bowl or mixer bowl and add eggs, yeast salt sugar , oil and vanilla and mix together.
  3. Add flour to desired thickness and mis for about 5 minutes .
  4. Set aside to rise . let rise twice then mold into bread pans .
  5. Poke about six holes in the top and let rise again.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven for 30 to 45 minutes . Remove from the oven and bread pans immediately .Butter the tops .
  • I don’t have a recipe for the sticky buns, but they’re made with the same dough, just fill it up with butter and the good stuff.
  • As for the instant pot, oil the inside lining really well and then place dough in it to proof, I have the ultra and I have it on yogurt setting on low just covered with a piece of plastic wrap (not the IP lid) for about 15 to 20 mins, or until it doubles in size. I do this step twice just because that’s what we did growing up,I don’t know if it needs two proofs before shaping in your pans but it’s what I’ve always done. After you shape your dough in your pans you have to let it double in size again before you place in your oven. I let mine do their last proof on the (preheated) oven with the door open.
  • You can use warm water instead of potatoes and skip the blending process as it’s to make so there’s no potato lumps. The starch in the potatoes helps a little with the proofing. Honestly I do it either way and it works good both ways.
  • The batch it very big so probably only half of it will fit in your mixer and your instant pot. But a full batch makes 6 to 8 loaves so I’d suggest cutting it in half anyways.
  • Hope this helps!

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