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Rustic Chicken & Apricot Pie

Servings: SERVES 10

Servings: SERVES 10
  • 1lb boneless, skinless chicken thigh
  • 1 medium onion, quartered
  • 2.5 tsp coriander seed, toasted
  • ½ tsp ground coriander
  • ¼ tsp ground cumin
  • ¼ tsp freshly grated nutmeg
  • 1lb pack ground pork sausage
  • 7oz pack bacon lardon
  • 2 tbsp+1.25tsp chopped parsley
  • 12 ready-to-eat dried apricots
  • ¾ lb chicken breast, filleted thin
  • subheading: For the hot water pastry:
  • ¼ lb lard, plus extra for the tin
  • 1lb plain flour, plus extra for the tin
  • 3 Tbsp + 1¾tsp milk
  • ½ cup + 2 Tbsp + ½tsp water
  • 1 egg, beaten, to seal and glaze
  1. Heat oven to 400F. Grease and flour a 9" spring form.
  2. Mince chicken thighs in a food processor. Add the onions and pulse to chop.
  3. In a bowl, mix well - minced chicken, onions, spices, sausage, lardons, parsley, dash of salt. Set aside.
  4. In a saucepan heat water, milk, and lard until lard is melted. Add flour and beat well.
  5. Knead dough on a lightly floured work surface. Roll out ⅔ to line the tin, and roll out the other ⅓ for the lid.
  6. Layer in: half chicken/sausage mixture, apricots, half the chicken breast fillets, remaining sausage mixture, remaining chicken breast fillets.
  7. Cover with the remaining dough, pressing firmly onto the filling and folding the dough from the pan over the top and crimping down. Cut slots in the top for steam to escape and brush with egg.
  8. Bake for 30 mins, then reduce oven to 350F and bake for 1 hr more. Allow to cool before serving.
  • I adjusted the recipe to US units and broke up large instructions into smaller steps.
  • Use less coriander and a lot more salt.

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