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This plain, unsweetened soy yogurt is easy to make, tastes nice and tangy, and is much cheaper than buying soy yogurts, most of which are either sweetened or have lots of added ingredients.

Servings: ~11 half-cup servings

Servings: ~11 half-cup servings
  • 5 ¼ cup soy milk*
  • 1 envelope vegan starter culture (Cultures for Health), or 2 Tbsp. plain plant-based yogurt w/ live cultures
  • subheading: OR: for THICKER, RICHER YOGURT (optional):
  • ½ cup raw cashews (60 to 75 g)
  • 1 cup soy milk
  • 4 ¼ cups soy milk
  1. Heat soy milk gently (induction setting 5) while constantly stirring, until temperature reaches 110°F.
  2. If using cashews, soak in hot water for 1 to 2 hours.
  3. When temperature is stable, gently stir in yogurt or starter culture, mixing well. Transfer liquid to yogurt maker, and ferment 15 to 17 hours (longer fermentation makes yogurt tangier).
  4. subheading: for THICKER, RICHER YOGURT:
  5. Drain cashews and blend w/ 1 cup soy milk in Vitamix on high for 30 sec. or until no pieces remain.
  6. Stir mixture into remaining 4 ¼ cups soy milk and heat gently to 110°F while constantly stirring.
  7. When temperature is stable, gently stir in yogurt or starter culture, mixing well. Transfer liquid to yogurt maker, and ferment 15 to 17 hours (longer fermentation makes yogurt tangier).
  • *Soy milk w/o any additives (thickeners, minerals, flavorings, etc.), such as. Trader Joe's unsweetened, Westsoy, or Eden Soy shelf-stable soy milks works best.
  • Check Cultures for Health and other vegan blogs to experiment w/ other nutmilks.
  • Miyoko yogurt-making video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu9BX5XLXgA

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