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Naomi_TGIS Small Batch Challah Recipe

Servings: makes 2; 3 braid challahs and a roll OR 2 4 braid challahs

Servings: makes 2; 3 braid challahs and a roll OR 2 4 braid challahs
  • 1.5 cups warm water
  • ½ c sugar
  • 1 tbsp PLUS ¾ tsp active dry yeast (I used fleischmans active dry yeast today; even though it’s not necessary to proof instant yeast, I prefer to do so)
  • subheading: Once yeast bubbles:
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp honey-my addition
  • 6 tbsp oil ( I use canola)
  • 5 cups high gluten ( bread) flour *
  • ½ tbsp pink Himalayan sea salt (put salt on counter, so I see it and don't forget it since it goes in last)
  1. Add salt once yeast is combined with the dough.
  2. Add flour cup by cup (you may need more or less) I had wonderful results today using @wondermillsflour ( I used a full 5 cups of whole wheat blend) knead by hand or machine until dough comes together and sides of the bowl are clean. (not mixed or well incorporated, will look kind of clumpy)
  3. Mixer - use level 2! until dough comes together
  4. Now stop (kneading by hand and by machine) let your dough rest for 3 minutes. You will appreciate the break too!
  5. Now turn back on your mixer and continue to knead 4 minutes
  6. PINCH TEST - it's done when you pinch and dough isn't sticking ( by hand may take longer)
  7. Transfer dough to a large bowl or dough rising bucket until double in size.
  8. Divide. Cut into 4 oz balls.
  9. Put on baking sheet on top of plastic wrap, sprayed with cooking spray and cover with another plastic wrap that's sprayed.
  10. Tip - for soft workable dough, make dough and let rise in a big bowl. then, divide it up after risen into balls and let it just sit afterwards and cover for about 10 minutes.
  11. Braid/shape.
  12. Cover and allow to rise one more time, ~45 min.
  13. For a nice size 3 braid challah I divide my dough into 6.5 oz strands for a large 4 braid Challah I use 6 oz strands. But do what works best for you:)
  14. Brush with beaten egg (I add a touch of honey for added shine and sweetness - 2 eggs and half tbsp honey - halve this...1 egg and ¾ tsp) if you would like a more golden crust; use an extra egg yolk. OR mix with brush so yolk isn't totally mixed in so you can brush on more yolk
  15. I also egg my Challahs twice. So, brush again about 15 minutes later.
  16. Don't preheat oven until all is fully risen, so kitchen doesn't get too hot.
  17. Allow dough to rise a sufficient amount of time to decrease the risk of “cracking” or “stretch marks” in the dough.
  18. Bake at 350 25 to 45 mins. (Check after 25 minutes) I do not bake on convection but many people do and that’s ok. If your Challah is getting overly brown on bottom; (you can check by carefully turning your pan over and peek on the bottom) raise to higher rack the last few minutes of baking. I prefer baking my Challah in disposable Challah pans. I personally find they bake best that way.
  19. For rolls, bake about 30 min or until golden.
  20. Take out of pans right away and let it cool on pans, otherwise the bottoms get mushy.
  21. subheading: Overnight challah dough:
  22. Follow beginning directions and mix together, rest 3 min, knead 4 minutes, transfer to dough bucket and spray with nonstick cook spray. Cover with saran wrap and then cover with unscented bag.
  23. In the morning, punch dough down to let air bubbles out
  24. Work the dough slightly, out of bowl. May be hard because it's so cold, do your best. Place back in bowl, cover, allow to come to room temp, so it's easier to handle
  • Tips:
  • Use oil on hands or cooking spray so dough doesn't stick and smooth out uneven bumps in strands
  • CUT dough, not rip - it deflates it
  • 1 lb challah - each strand is 4 oz (4 strand) in 1 lb oval pan)
  • Topping idea - dried minced garlic, then defrosted Gefen sauteed onions, then sprinkle on za'atar and then course sea salt.
  • 1st time- delicious, did overnight method, used 4 ¾ cups of flour, and baked for 35 min (maybe less next time?)
  • Second time: used 5.5 cups of flour. Sprinkled salt on top of dough after messily incorporated 4 cups flour right before 3 min rest. Made 24, 1.7 oz balls to make pull apart. Made 3 pull apart challahs (8" pan of 6 balls) and 6 little rolls. Big challahs - 30 min (not enough - after cooled, I saw bottoms were soggyish. Try longer next time & rolls for 20 min
  • 2 lb oval pan gets 12 oz total dough. Then cut into little balls and make pull apart challah.
  • Third time: so good!! Used 5 whole cups of flour. 4 cups of flour to start, then added the fifth bit by bit AFTER the final 4 minutes of the mixer and so I mixed an extra 5 minutes. Challah came out airy and balls molded together in baking, so maybe over kneaded? Should I add the 5 cup during the last 4 minutes of mixing? Otherwise, came out great! Baked for 34 minutes, checked after 30. Flavor is a bit minimal...a very light taste, but good. Try the other small batch recipe she has in stories?  Or compare ingredient amount to other challah recipe? Made a round challah (8" for 1lb dough and made 8 2oz balls), 2 medium oval pan (12 oz in each and in one I put layers of tiny balls and the other I put a bunch of balls squeezed in the bottom layer... Rolled them slightly so they would fit instead of as round balls.) They came out looking the same though. And then 2 rolls.
  • 32 or 33 minutes next time
  • 4th time - did small batch recipe from her Overnight Dough stories. 6.5 cups flour. Rose ~1.5 hour. Tasted similar to the other dough, but harder to mix in mixer. Use regular recipe, but add more sugar? salt? Still very good!

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