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  • Leftover Buttermilk Biscuit dough from stamping out biscuits
  • Melted butter
  • Eggs (one per biscuit cut out)
  • Fresh ground coarse black pepper
  • Salt
  • My dear friend Brian Hart Hoffman, president of Hoffman Media, asked me to fly to Los Angeles with him to go to brunch at Ellen Bennett’s. Ellen is the founder of Hedley & Bennett, a company that makes handmade aprons in LA. She hosts brunches for fifteen to twenty people who don’t know each other. All of us walked into Ellen’s house at 10:00 a.m. on a Sunday and just started cooking. Then we sat on blankets in the backyard and ate.
  • The experience was yet another amazing example of how food brings people together. As we broke bread together in a stranger’s home, everyone contributing something to eat, any barriers between us came down and we could enjoy each other's company. I taught everyone how to make biscuits and then used the leftover dough to make Eggs in a Hole. I was only in LA for a total of thirty-six hours, but I left feeling uplifted, savory the feeling of sharing friendship and goodwill through food, sunshine, and hands working together in the kitchen.
  • note: Note: the number of servings this recipe makes depends on how much leftover dough you're using. Also, for this particular recipe, I like to use medium-size eggs rather than large, if I have them.
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