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Tomato soup
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 large onion, sliced
  • 1 large pinch of salt
  • 2 lbs tomatoes (about 10 med tomatoes)
  • 2 to 3 cloves garlic, sliced
  • 1 tbsp uncooked white rice (to thicken your soup) - I used basmati rice
  • big ol’ pinch of salt
  • a sprig of fresh thyme or basil (I had both in my garden, so I used some of each)
  • ½ bay leaf (I didn’t have one, so don’t worry if you don’t either)
  • subheading: ***And this next ingredient is optional:
  • 1 tsp garam masala
  1. To a large pot, add olive oil, onion, sliced, pinch of salt
  2. Cook over medium heat until things start to sizzle, and then cover and reduce to low until your onions are soft.  Stir ’em around now and then.  You don’t want to brown them.  If that starts to happen, add a little water to the pot, but chances are the steam and condensation will generate enough moisture to prevent them from browning.
  3. Wash and core your tomatoes.  Four clean slices through the tomato close to the core is how I do it.
  4. When all the cores have been removed, you’ll have a heap of tomatoes that looks something like this.  Gorgeous, aren’t they?
  5. 2. If your onions are nice and soft, slice your garlic and toss it into the pot and cook for a two minutes more.
  6. 3. Now, add the tomatoes, salt, rice, bay leaf and your fresh herbs to the pot of onions.
  7. As I mentioned before, the rice is the thickening agent in this soup.  It does a good job, and it keeps the fat and calorie count down a little.
  8. 4. Cook all of this over medium heat, stirring once in a while until your tomatoes are well-cooked and break apart easily.
  9. subheading: 5. Now, you’re going to add:
  10. 1 cup water
  11. 1 more tbsp butter
  12. another pinch of salt
  13. 6. Cook for a few more minutes to melt the butter and to ensure that your rice is tender.
  14. 7. Take the soup off the heat and remove the bay leaf and herbs.
  15. 8. Puree it to your liking.

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