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turkey breast, IP
  • 3-pound turkey breast
  • olive oil
  • 1 cup broth
  1. Seasoned the breast and sautéed it in a little olive oil for 10 minutes,  removed from pot and put the rack in and added 1 cup of chicken broth.
  2. Put breast back in pot (bone side down) and sealed pot.  Cooked for 40 minutes on poultry and let it natural pressure release (about 10 to 15 min.).
  3. I prepared the potato for cooking by peeling it and dicing it, then put in steamer basket and cooked for 7 minutes and quick release.
  • different FB post:  1 cup of water or broth in the pot (I used broth).  Put turkey breast in pot on rack.  Add whatever seasonings you desire.  I used 2 tsp. salt, ½ tsp. black pepper, 1 c. chopped celery, 1 c. chopped onion, 1 tsp. poultry seasoning, ½ tsp. sage. Set the pot to poultry and adjust to 30 minutes.  Let pressure release naturally when done. (Then I used the broth to make cornbread dressing afterwards.)
  • slow-cooked turkey tenderloin (skinless boneless breast; see photos 3 & 4): m.facebook.com/groups/826223557471634?view=permalink&id=1...  Sauté turkey tenderloin in olive oil.  Add 2 cups stock/broth, red onions, 10 cloves garlic, 3 bay leaves, salt & pepper.  Slow cook-normal 4 hours.  Add rainbow carrots and a cup or so red wine.  3 more hours slow cook.
  • m.facebook.com/groups/826223557471634?view=permalink&id=1...  I used the poultry setting and 7 minutes per pound. Mine (thawed) weighed almost 6 ½ lbs. it cooked in 50 minutes.

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