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Potato Stack with Raspberry and Beetroot Granita and Smoked Salted Chocolate Ice Cream
Recipe by Reece Hignell. MasterChef S12E54

Servings: 4

Servings: 4
  • subheading: Potato Crème:
  • 600g russet potatoes, skin on, cubed
  • 300g thickened cream
  • 300g milk
  • 150g caster sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 20g cornflour
  • subheading: Beetroot and Raspberry Granita:
  • 1 small beetroot
  • 125g frozen raspberry puree, thawed
  • 50g water
  • 25g sugar
  • 0.5g citric acid
  • 0.5g salt
  • subheading: Smoked Salted Chocolate Ice Cream:
  • 250g thickened cream
  • 100g milk
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 egg
  • 50g caster sugar
  • 100g 54% dark chocolate callets
  • 2g smoked salt
  • subheading: Potato Crisps:
  • 1 large russet potato
  • 10g icing sugar
  • 1g vinegar powder
  • grapeseed oil, for frying
  • rosemary flowers, to garnish
  1. For the Potato Crème, place the potatoes, cream, milk and sugar into a saucepan over high heat and bring to the boil. Slice the vanilla bean in half, scrape the seeds then place both pod and seeds into the saucepan. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes to infuse the flavour of potato into the liquid, stirring regularly.
  2. Drain and reserve liquid through a fine sieve. Place 250g potato infusion into a saucepan and 100g into a bowl and set aside for later use.
  3. Bring saucepan of 250g potato infusion to a simmer.
  4. Meanwhile, whisk egg yolks and cornflour together until creamy then slowly whisk in the hot potato infusion to create a custard base. Return to the saucepan and cook, whisking continuously, over medium heat until mixture thickens. Pour into a baking dish and cover surface with cling film. Place into the fridge to chill and firm.
  5. Once cold and set, transfer custard base to the canister of a stick blender and process with a stick blender until smooth. Gradually add enough of the remaining potato infusion until the mixture is smooth but thick enough to hold its shape. Place into a piping bag and set aside in the fridge.
  6. For the Beetroot and Raspberry Granita, cut beetroot into rough cubes then pass through a juicer. Place beetroot juice with remaining ingredients into a saucepan over medium heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Pour into a deep baking tray then place into the freezer until solid.
  7. Use a fork to scrape the surface to create the ice crystals and reserve in the freezer until required.
  8. For the Smoked Salted Chocolate Ice Cream, place cream and milk into a saucepan and heat until mixture comes to a simmer. Remove from heat.
  9. In a separate bowl, whisk egg yolks, egg and sugar until combined. While whisking continuously, slowly add hot cream mixture until combined then return mixture to the saucepan and stir continuously over low heat, until mixture thickens and reaches 83C. Remove from heat, add the chocolate and salt and stir until melted. Pour mixture through a fine sieve into a metal bowl and set over an ice bath to cool.
  10. Wrap the bowl of ice cream with cling film then fill the bowl with smoke from a smoking gun for 5 minutes. Pour into ice cream machine and churn according to manufacturer’s instructions.
  11. For the Potato Crisps, heat oil in large saucepan or deep fryer to 180C.
  12. Using a mandolin or vegetable peeler, shave the potatoes into 0.5mm thick slices and place into a bowl. Wash the potatoes under cold running water until water runs clear. Drain well and dry well in a clean tea towel.
  13. Fry in hot oil until the crisps are puffed and golden. Remove from oil and place onto paper towel. Dust with mixture of icing sugar and vinegar powder.
  14. To serve, pipe Potato Creme onto each serving plate and top with a Potato Crisp. Layer potato crème and crisps to create a total of 4 layers of each. Spoon Beetroot and Raspberry Granita onto the plates and top with a quenelle of Smoked Salted Chocolate Ice Cream. Garnish with rosemary flowers.

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