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Miso Ramen

Servings: 4 bowls

Servings: 4 bowls
  1. 1) "Tadka" -- 2 tsp coconut oil, 1 tsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp fresh ginger, 1 tbsp fresh chopped garlic, 3 tbsp red peppers, ½ cup shallots, 1 yellow onion diced. Cook until fragrant and golden. Add sriracha and garlic chili paste to taste. We like SPICE.
  2. 2) Broth: 4 tbsp low sodium soy sauce, 4tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 4 cups chicken/vegetarian broth, 2 cups water, 2 tbsp miso paste. Bring to slow boil.
  3. 3) Goodies: once boiling, if veg, add diced potatoes, cauliflower, carrots. If nonveg, add 4 diced chicken thighs and one diced potato. Boil covered 20 more minutes, 30 if you added chicken. Throw in ½ cup green onions. Stir in 2 tbsp of lime juice or 1 tbsp red wine vinegar depending on what you have at home.
  4. 4) Throw in 2 packs of yakisoba noodles. Stir noodles in. Cover. Boil another 4 to 5 mins. Throw in another ½ cup of chopped green onions.

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