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Lupin Pasta
  • 195g lupin flour
  • 120g vital wheat gluten
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 20g olive oil
  • 60g water
  • 125g egg yolk (7 yolks?)
  • 105g beaten whole egg (1 egg?)
  • oat fiber for dusting if needed/desired
  1. Mix lupin, VWG and salt together and dump dry mix onto counter or cutting board. Make a deep well in the flour mix to hold liquid ingredients.
  2. Mix yolks, whole eggs, oil and water and pour into the well. Slowly incorporate the dry mix with the wet ingredients from well. I start with a fork and then use my hands. This dough will start out being hard to knead but incorporate it as best as you can.
  3. At this stage the dough may be sticky.
  4. Wrap in plastic wrap and knead a little bit more to get it to a nice smooth uniform shape. Allow it to rest for 30 mins!
  5. After 30 mins, the dough will feel smooth, and not sticky. Cut into desired portions and roll through pasta machine until desired thickness and then shape as desired. I was able to roll this dough through the pasta machine all settings (1 to 8) and my fettuccini cutter with out needing to dust the dough at all! It was very easy to work with and didn't stick to the machine at all!
  6. Once dough is shaped, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and dust with a little oat fiber, toss the pasta in a little oat fiber, just enough to coat so as it dries, the pasta noodles wont stick together. Allow to dry on baking sheet for 2 to 3 days. Flip them over after 1 to 2 days of drying if piled up in little nests (like mine in picture) or rolled them over if laid out flat.
  7. Dried pasta can be kept in an airtight container at room temp, not sure how long but I've always used my pasta with in 2 months of making.
  8. subheading: Cooking:
  9. to boil fresh pasta, bring water to boil, salt water and add pasta, boil for 2 to 3 mins, maybe longer if pasta is thicker. I made mine at the thinnest setting (8). Water likes to boil over so stay there the entire time once pasta is added to boiling water and keep stirring to slow down the water from over boiling.
  10. to boil from dry, adjust cooking time to 5 to 7 minutes depending on thickness.
  11. you can tell when the pasta has cooked through by the color change, it will lighten in color slightly and loose the "lupin" smell.

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