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Cabbage, Basic Balsamic Red Cabbage
Red cabbage is one of those veggies that most people never even think about cooking.  Well, you don’t know what your missing because it looks good, it tastes good and is so very good for you with a fair number of antioxidants including more vitamin C than oranges, who knew?

This recipe is sure to please adult and child alike so please just give it a try and see for yourself!

Chef Shane has a giant passion for preaching to folks about real, nutrient-dense food and the divine effect it can have to help heal the hurting. Shane's mission is to show folks how simple it is to cook with real, whole foods and just how much better they’ll feel after they commit to giving their body what it needs - delicious and nutrient-dense real foods.
  • 1 medium head red cabbage - washed, quartered & sliced into ½" slices
  • 2 tablespoons butter or whatever fat you like
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt and more to taste at end of cooking
  • fresh ground pepper
  • 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
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