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AIP Easy Lemon Fat Bombs

Servings: Ingredients (makes 16 servings):

Servings: Ingredients (makes 16 servings):
  • 7.1 oz coconut butter, softened (200g) - you can make your own
  • ½ cup extra virgin coconut oil, softened (55g / 2 oz)
  • Fresh lemon zest from 1 to 2 lemons, organic (1 to 2 tbsp) or use lemon extract (~ 1 to 2 tsp), it depends on your palate
  • 1 TBSP maple syrup
  • optional: pinch salt (I like pink Himalayan salt)
  1. Zest the lemons and make sure the coconut butter and coconut oil are softened (room temperature). It's better if you use a very fine grater to avoid having large pieces of lemon peel in the fat bombs. Make sure you use organic, unwaxed lemons in this recipe.
  2. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and make sure the lemon zest is distributed evenly.
  3. Fill each mini muffin paper cup, or silicone candy mold with ~ 1 tbsp of the coconut mixture and place on a tray that will fit in the fridge.
  4. Place in the fridge for 30 to 60 minutes or until solid.
  5. When done, keep refrigerated. Coconut oil and coconut butter get soft at room temperature. Enjoy!

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