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Apple Mustard (Pommes à la moutarde)

Servings: 4 persons

Servings: 4 persons
  • 5 big appels or 7 small (gala preferably)
  • 1 c.s grainy mustard ("à l'ancienne" in french)
  • 1 c.s mustard
  • Some bay leaves
  • peper (or other spice as "Espelette pepper")
  1. Peel and cut the apples on big slice (one apple makes 8 slices)
  2. Preheat the oven to 200 °C.
  3. Mix the mustards in a bowl
  4. Brush each apples slices with the moutard mix and place them in a dish oven proof.
  5. Add the bay leaves
  6. Add peper
  7. Bake while 45 to 60 minutes
  8. When the apples are caramelized (they have a nice brown) take them out and serve!

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