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Broccoli Salad

Servings: 8 cups

Servings: 8 cups
  • 5 to 6 cups broccoli florets¹ 1 lb, this was about 2 ½ heads of broccoli for me (450g)
  • 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese thicker, not finely shredded (115g)
  • ⅔ cup dried cranberries (85g)
  • ½ cup crumbled bacon² (60g)
  • ½ cup salted sunflower seeds (60g)
  • ⅓ cup red onion diced into small pieces (50g)
  • Dressing
  • note:
  • 1 ½  cup Miracle Whip
  • note:
  • ½ cup sour cream³ (70g)
  • note:
  • 3 Tablespoon white wine vinegar⁴
  • note:
  • 6 Tablespoons sugar (40g)
  • note:
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • note:
  • ½ teaspoon pepper
  1. Instructions
  2. * Combine broccoli florets, cheddar cheese, dried cranberries, bacon, sunflower seeds, and onion in a large bowl.
  3. * In a separate, small bowl, whisk together mayo, sour cream, vinegar, sugar, salt, and pepper until smooth and well-combined.
  4. * Pour dressing over broccoli combination and toss or stir well.
  5. * Broccoli salad may be served immediately, but for best flavor refrigerate for at least one hour before serving. Make sure to toss broccoli salad thoroughly again before serving.
  • Keep refrigerated if not consuming right away.

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