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How to Make Sole
As I said, the only ingredients are salt and water so the recipe is pretty simple. You’ll also need a glass jar with a plastic or non-metal lid. I used a regular mason jar.
  • A Glass Jar ( I used a wide-mouth mason jar)
  • A plastic or non-metal lid (like this one)
  • 1 to 2 cups of Himalayan Salt, Celtic Salt or Real Salt (see sources above)
  • Filtered water
  1. Fill the jar about ¼ of the way with Himalayan Salt, Real Salt or Celtic Salt (or a mixture of the three).
  2. Add filtered water to fill the jar, leaving about an inch at the top.
  3. Put on the plastic lid and shake the jar gently.
  4. Leave on the counter overnight to let the salt dissolve.
  5. The next day, if there is still some salt on the bottom of the jar, the water has absorbed its maximum amount of salt and the
  6. Sole is ready to use.
  7. If all of the salt is absorbed, add more salt and continue doing so each day until some remains. This means that the water is fully saturated with the salt.
  • To use: Mix 1 tsp of the Sole in to a glass of water and consume every morning on an empty stomach. Do not use a metal utensil to measure or touch the Sole with any metal object.
  • I am not a doctor and don’t play one on the internet. As with any health advice, consult a qualified practitioner before adding any new supplements, especially if pregnant, nursing or if you have a medical condition.

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