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Crock Pot Beans and Rice
  • Add the beans and tomatoes. Make sure you have NOT drained the can of tomatoes. We really need that liquid. If you’re using fresh tomatoes you might need to add more water than specified.
  • Now, add your cumin, garlic powder, and salt. If you really want HOT beans then you can add cayenne pepper or hot sauce during this step. I like hot food, but I’m trying to introduce it to Annie gradually. If your nose isn’t running, it’s not hot enough - that’s my general rule. You could also add a can of diced green chilies.
  • Stir it all together well, put the lid on, and turn it on to high. Yes, high. Normally I cook at low, but I only had 3 hours before dinner was supposed to be ready - so I wanted to make sure the rice was done. Mine cooked for 3 hours. Barry said they were really done (I was at a workshop), so it might even be done after 2 ½ hours. It depends on the type of rice you use. So, I would check it after 2 hours and then cook accordingly.
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