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2 Ingredient Pizza Dough
Pizza Dough- x spts

Servings: ?

Servings: ?
  • 2 cups of self rising flour
  • 1 cup of non fat greek yogurt
  1. Combine flour and yogurt on a cutting board or in a bowl, mix with hands until dough forms (the dough may appear dry and crumbly at first, but it will come together as you mix it).
  2. Once dough is formed, sprinkle some flour on counter top or cutting board and roll dough into pizza shape with a rolling pin. Place dough on baking sheet.
  3. Add toppings of choice (Danny used tomato sauce, shredded mozzarella balls, and added fresh basil once cooked). Fold in edges of dough to form a crust, cook 8 to 10 minutes (until crust is golden/cheese is melted) at 450 F.
  4. Chef’s Note: if the dough feels too dry, add water, a tablespoon at a time. Push the dough down and out, stretching it flat in front of you with the heels of your hands.

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