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  • 841 g high gluten flour
  • 488 g water
  • 4.21 g malt powder (I grind two row)
  • 16.82 g salt
  • 4.37 g yeast
  1. Mix for about 9 minutes
  2. Ferment for an hour
  3. Flatten out, divide into twelve, roll, shape. Retard overnight.
  4. Prepare 3% malt syrup (I use LME) solution, boil bagels for 30 seconds on each side.
  5. Drain for 3 minutes, top, bake on tray on hearth for 4 to 5 minutes, until tops dry out.
  6. Flip bagels directly onto hearth, finish baking for a total of 15 to 18 minutes.

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