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Servings: N/A
  • N/A
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  • - Add more liquid to almost everything than they say… and let it soak for a bit and re-hydrate! (especially stew, chili, sloppy joe, eggs)
  • - Be creative with little bits of salsa, grated Parmesan cheese, mustard, and flavor syrups and drops available to you (netrition.com)
  • - Add baking soda and baking powder to make stuff rise (fake “muffins”, breads, etc. it helps all of them!)
  • - Make “smoothies” with lots of ice, flavors, SF soda, etc, for fruity tasting blends in bullet blender
  • - Make it a meal smoothie, add pudding, shake, or soft serve of your choice and fill it up! (the blender bullet) makes “milkshakes” that are not bad… good way to prepare cranberry mango or orange shakes. add 1 TBL of fat free cream cheese for creamy smoothies/milkshakes
  • - See the recipe for “dilly muffins” (and my tweaking of it) at “3fatchicks on a diet” website. use liberally!!
  • - Use spices liberally…. I add garlic/onion powder to most savory things
  • - I make the oatmeal and pancakes into muffins… chewy and tasty and easy to transport, to eat later or while out. (see recipes at (3fatchicksonadiet.com)
  • - When you get sick and tired of being on a diet…concentrate on why you are doing this.
  • - Keep a realistic outlook. weight loss will change nothing in your life but your weight.
  • - Learn that it is a path with many curves and zigzags, and that is alright. The end goal is the same, and always tread, even if it’s a slight detour now and then.

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