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Sourdough Focaccia:
  • subheading: 1x and 2.5x of the recipe below:
  • 345g - 863g AP flour
  • 148g - 370g bread flour
  • 10g - 30g olive oil
  • 394 to 985g water
  • 9g - 27g salt
  • 94g - 282g levain
  1. 1.Start with an extremely lively starter.
  2. This recipe is done in a kitchen that fluctuates from 20 to 27 degree Celsius. I try to keep my dough in the warm spots when I can.
  3. 2.I make a 1:1:1 levain with 100g ea. starter, warm-hot water and bread flour, it normally doubles or triples in 4 to 5 hours.
  4. 3.In a mixer combine all ingredients and knead with the dough hook at speed 2 for 10 to 12 minutes. (I stir with a wooden spoon first, so no flour pockets are left at the bottom of the mixer bowl after the 10 to 12 minutes)
  5. The dough will be very goopy/wet, pull apart relatively easily, and it will not be smooth. Don't add extra flour or knead too much longer as it won't change this.
  6. 4.Bulk ferment for 5 hours, or until the dough has increased in volume by 50 to 60%
  7. 5.Coil folds every 30 mins (wet your hands frequently when doing this, or the dough will stick a lot, don't have your hands dripping wet or the additional water will not allow the dough to adhere to its self between folds and tear the gluten structure. The first folds will seem like you're getting nowhere but rest assured as you continue through the bulk ferment, it will start to have structure and the dough will become smooth and taught on the surface. Don't fold aggressively and tear the surface tension you're building during the bulk, or you won't get good oven spring. Proper coil folds are key. I like to do 4 to 6 sets of coil folds on the first 30-minute mark, it builds the shape and makes the next folds easier. The other 5 to 6 times throughout the bulk, I may only fold, rotate & fold again once or twice, handle it carefully as you get closer to the end)
  8. 6. Transfer the dough carefully without tearing to 12x10 inch high wall baking vessel that has a solid layer of olive oil. I use a stainless-steel half hotel pan.
  9. 7.Gently and lightly stretch the dough. Don't be aggressive here, just make sure you're getting a good amount of Olive oil under the Dough during this process to help with it sticking during baking. It flattens naturally over time.
  10. 8.Fridge overnight. It will flatten out here.
  11. 9.Proof at room temp for 4 hours, or until grown 2 to 2.5x in size. It'll be very jiggly and proofy
  12. 10.Pour lots of olive oil gently on top, get your fingers coated in olive oil and poke holes! bubbles should start to surface!
  13. 11.Generous amount of Maldon salt on top
  14. 12.I Bake @ 450, for 24 minutes, rotating halfway through. May be longer in a home oven. I use a high-power convection oven.
  15. 13.Let cool 5 to 10 minutes before applying high quality Olive oil over the baked loaf.
  16. 14.It may stick, just scrape at the bottom slowly to remove the spots that are stuck. Enjoy the crispy olive oil soaked Focaccia!

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