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Southern Style Sweet Tea
  • 4 cups HOT water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • pinch of baking soda
  • 12 tea bags
  • 12 cups COLD water (ice it first, or keep it in the fridge for a bit)
  • Ice
  • Fresh lemon
  1. Combine HOT water, sugar, and pinch of baking soda and bring to a simmer (stove or microwave, or a kettle if you prefer) until dissolved.
  2. Pour over tea bags (use a heat resistant pitcher) and steep for ~20 minutes
  3. Remove/drain tea bags. Add COLD water and stir well.
  4. subheading: (Optional) Add juice of ½ lemon:
  5. Serve over ice! Garnish with lemon slice and sprig of mint, or you could also 'sugar crush' mint leaves and add those to the bottom of the glass first... if you want to get fancy :)

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