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Low Carb Strawberry & Cream Donuts
These Donuts are 11.6g Net Carbs per donut aka Serving with the fillings.

Servings: 8

Servings: 8
  • subheading: Yeast Mix:
  • 1½ tsp Active Yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 3 tbsp Warm Water
  • subheading: Donut Mix:
  • 125g Oat Fibre (Cannot Sub this for this recipe!)
  • 60g Vital Wheat Gluten
  • 90g Self Raising Flour
  • 30 ml Milk warm
  • 40 ml Warm Water
  • 1 large Egg yolk
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • 30 g Butter (Room Temperate)
  • subheading: For Sugar coating:
  • ¼ Cup Erythritol with Stevia Powdered or Powdered Natvia or Monk Fruit or Allulose
  • subheading: For the Cream filling:
  • 200 ml Full cream
  • ¼ cup Erythritol with Stevia Sweetener or Natvia or Monk Fruit or Allulose Powdered
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
  • subheading: Extra Filling:
  • 1 Punnet Strawberries (Sliced)
  1. subheading: Proof yeast mixture:
  2. Add to a cup or small bowl, 3 tbsp Warm Water, 1½ tsp Active Yeast, 1 tsp sugar, place in a warm spot and leave to rise for 5 to 10 minutes or until doubled in volume and foamy.
  3. subheading: Making the donut dough mixture:
  4. In a bench mixing bowl, add the Mix together 125g Oat Fibre, 60g Vital Wheat Gluten, 90g Self Raising Flour, 30 ml Milk warm, 40 ml Warm Water, 1 large Egg yolk, ½ tsp Salt, 30 g Butter and the the yeast mixture in mixer on low speed, with the dough hook attachment until the dough comes together for 2 minutes.
  5. Slightly increase the speed and knead the dough mixture for another 15 minutes or until the dough is tacky to touch. If you continue kneading to the point of smooth and stretchy dough, the dough will be over kneaded and make donuts doughy, so keep a close eye on the dough.
  6. subheading: Shape donut dough:
  7. Pick up the mixed dough and form it into a ball.
  8. Butter a large bowl (for proofing), place the dough ball back in the greased bowl, then grease the dough ball itself to prevent it from forming a crust.
  9. Cover the bowl and dough with a clean kitchen towel or glad wrap, place the bowl in a warm draft-free place, allow the dough to rise for 1 to 2 hours until it has doubled in size.
  10. subheading: Prep for cooking:
  11. Get some parchment or wax paper, place onto a oven tray.
  12. subheading: Forming the Donuts:
  13. Punch down the dough, turn it out onto the greased surface (can use non-stick spray) and roll it to ½ inches thickness.
  14. Cut the dough into 8 segments, then roll into balls, making sure aren't any splits, pinch them together, place the dough balls on the prepared parchment paper.
  15. Cover the balls of donut dough with a clean kitchen towel and allow them to rise for 45 min to 1 hour or until doubled in size. (You can also do this by turning the oven on the lowest heat, place the tray into the oven for 45 minutes, make sure the oven is not too hot, we don't want to cook them, just proof them - rise)
  16. subheading: Frying the Donuts:
  17. Heat 1½ inches sunflower oil in a frying pan and heat the oil to 160C° Degrees..
  18. To fry donuts, drop several of them at a time and allow to become golden before turning to the other side, about 3 to 6 minutes per side. (Check them, by turning them over with a large metal spoon, to make sure they aren't burning, if not golden turn them back over until they are.)
  19. Once they are cooked, transfer the donuts onto paper a towel or wire rack to drain.
  20. Let the donuts cool, Once the donuts are cool enough to handle, roll them in powdered sweetener.
  21. I put the sweetener into a shallow bowl or plate.
  22. Cut all the donuts in half and set aside while making the cream and cutting the strawberries up.
  23. subheading: Making the Cream:
  24. Add to a bowl or bench mixer bowl, whiz the 200 ml Full cream, ¼ cup Erythritol with Stevia Sweetener, 1 tsp Vanilla Essence, beat until it has stiff peaks.
  25. subheading: Strawberries:
  26. Get your punnet of strawberries, remove the steams and leaves, then cut them into slices and set aside.
  27. subheading: Assembling the Low Carb Strawberry & Cream Donuts:
  28. Get all the bottoms and tops and set out, put the whipped cream into a piping bag, then pipe some of the cream onto the donut bottoms and tops, get your sliced strawberries and place some slices on the bottom on top of the cream, then put the donut tops on, all done and enjoy.
  • Portion Size is Very Important fact:
  • If you make this with the exact Ingredients but change from 8 donuts to only 4 donuts, then the carbs will also double.
  • Created 25/0½023
  • These Donuts are 11.6g Net Carbs per donut aka Serving
  • ♥ © Phillips Keto Creations aka Phillip Hargreaves

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