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Cinnamon Candy
Mom always makes cinnamon candy. Many times she made several batches and she and dad helped me wrap up small bags to take back for all the teachers at Pali. People LOVED it!
  • 2 c. Sugar
  • 1 c. Water
  • ½ tsp. Red food coloring
  • ⅔ c. Corn syrup
  • 1 tsp. Cinnamon Oil*
  1. Mix sugar, syrup and water in a pan. Cook over medium heat, stirring until dissolves and is boiling.
  2. Once it starts to boil, DO NOT STIR ANYMORE. Let it boil until it reaches the Hard crack stage. Turn up heat if needed.
  3. Remove from heat and add oil and food coloring. Stir until mixed in.
  4. Pour into a greased 8x8 or 9x9 metal pan**. As it sets, use a metal spatula and score it into small squares. Do not wait too long to score, it sets up fairly quickly. Once the candy is hard, you can press it out of the pan and then crack into the square pieces that you scored.
  • *Make sure to use cinnamon OIL - not flavoring
  • **I didn't have a square metal pan, so I used a round metal cake pan and it worked great.

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