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Tortilla de patatas
From Elina Oyola, in Hein Online's librarian community cookbook c.2015

Servings: 6

Servings: 6
  • ½ Cup plus 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 lbs baking potatoes, peeled & cut into ¼ Inch pieces
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 onions sliced into rings
  • 6 eggs
  1. Heat ½ C oil in a large skillet over medium to low heat. Add potato pieces, and cook until just tender, 15 to 20 minutes.
  2. Then add the onions until soft and golden brown. When done, remove the potatoes and onions to a large bowl.
  3. Whisk eggs into a bowl until smooth. Then add the eggs to potatoes and onions. Add salt to taste.
  4. Heat the skillet with the 2 Tbsp olive oil over low heat. Pour in the mixture from the bowl.
  5. Gently cook until the sides have started to set and the bottom has turns golden brown, about 4 minutes.
  6. Place a plate over the tortilla. Flip the pan so that so that the top of the tortilla rests on the plate. Slide the tortilla gently from the plate to the pan, so that the topside of the tortilla gets equally golden.
  • We do not peel the potatoes because I am lazier than Elina and her grandmother, whose recipe this is. We also dice the onions.
  • I strongly recommend checking the size of your flipping plate before you start. Pick one that is not too heavy, or find a friend to help.
  • I add more salt than a tsp, for sure. Six is a lot of eggs.
  • Elina's note: be sure to use a dish cloth to protect your hands when flipping the tortilla.

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