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Cleaning cooking oil
This technique cleans and washes deep-fryer oil, making a much cleaner oil you can reuse.

Servings: Only one, but notice the directions closely.

Servings: Only one, but notice the directions closely.
  • 1 C used cooking oil
  • ΒΌ C water
  • 1 TBSP Cornstarch
  1. For every cup of oil, whisk together the water and corn starch in another container.
  2. Add the mixture to the cooled oil in a large enough pot on the stove.
  3. Gently heat on low heat, careful not to simmer.
  4. Stir constantly with a heat proof utensil until the cornstarch begins to thicken.
  5. Pour oil through a fine-mesh strainer, leaving the glob of starch behind.
  6. Oil is ready to use!
  • Don't worry if oil appears cloudy after this process. It will clear up when reheated.

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