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Homemade Bread That Will Make You Not Want Store Bought Wonder Bread Ever Again.
  • Ingredients -
  • 2 tbsp yeast
  • 3 cup warm water
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp kosher salt
  • 2 tbsp room temp butter
  • 8 + cup AP Flour
  1. Measure out water, sugar & yeast. Wisk together & set aside.
  2. Measure out flour and put in mixer bowl with salt & butter.
  3. Turn mixer on lowest setting with dough hook and slowly pour water mixture in.
  4. This dough is best when it comes together off the sides of the bowl but is still slightly sticky. add flour one tablespoon at a time until that consistency is reached.
  5. Let dough knead for 10 minutes on low speed.
  6. Separate dough into two equal pieces, roll each one into a ball and put in an oiled container covered with a damp cloth somewhere warm to rise for 45 to 60 minutes (doubles in size).
  7. Fold each dough ball into itself and form a ball again. Allow to rise until doubled again.
  8. Form risen dough into loaves and place in oiled loaf pans. Let rise again (at least 40 minutes or doubles in size) while oven heats to 400 degrees. When the dough is done rising you can choose to use a serrated knife to make a single cut along the length of the loaves.
  9. Put an oven safe container of water on the bottom shelf of the oven and put loves on the middle rack to cook.
  10. Cook 30 minutes until loaves are golden brown on top. You can check the internal temp to make sure if you want, 185 degrees is done.
  11. Let the bread loaves cool on a towel until room temp and I prefer to store these in a plastic grocery bag that has been tied closed. This bread can freeze for up to a month in said bag.

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