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AIP Halwa
  • 1.Arrow root :150 gm
  • 2.Dates :8 pieces (made in to smooth paste)
  • 3.Coconut oil :2 to 3 tsp
  • 4.Brazilian nuts :2 to 3 pieces (finely chopped)optional.
  • 5.Coconut flakes (optional).
  • Filtered water :500ml.
  1. Boil the water ,add all ingredients (1 to 3) and mix well.Make sure it is not forming lumps.stir them continuously.when water is reduced add the ingredients (4&5) which is optional , you can always change the ingredients accordingly.
  2. Stir the mixture continuously till the oil starts to separate from the mixture and it will become sticky.
  3. Transfer the mixture in to a plate which is coated with coconut oil.Keep it aside till it is cool.Your arrow root Halwa is ready.
  4. *To make dates puree soak the dates in water and paste it in the mixer.
  5. *If your arrowroot mixture becomes lump,just beat the mixture in the  grinder in the starting.Then transfer it to the pan and cook.

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