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Sweetened Condensed Milk (SCM)
Thor Jörmundur
Instant Pot 101 Family. "IP Conversions" 5 Star "IP Recipe Translation" 5 Star

Servings: 1 cup

Servings: 1 cup
  • 2 cups (16floz) whole milk
  • ⅔ cups (5oz) white granulated sugar
  1. Add the milk and sugar into a small, heavy bottomed saucepan.
  2. Heat it on a low heat until the sugar has dissolved.
  3. Once all of the sugar has dissolved bring the mix to a simmer over medium low heat.
  4. Do not stir once the mix starts to simmer otherwise it can crack and crystalize.
  5. Gently simmer for roughly 35 to 40 minutes, or until the milk has darkened to a creamy color, has reduced by half and thickened slightly. You may notice some foam forming on top, gently skim it off with a spoon. (if there are sugary bits hanging around the rim of your pot don’t stir them into your condensed milk, this can also crack your mix)
  6. When ready, remove from the heat and pour into a jar to cool.
  7. Let the condensed milk cool completely before putting on the airtight lid. Just note, it thickens up alot after a few hours in the fridge.
  8. Store in a labeled jar in the fridge and it will last for 6 months.
  9. subheading: Notes:
  10. The condensed milk when ready will measure 1 cup/8oz.
  11. You can use any Nut Milk instead of Regular milk.
  12. You can use coconut sugar/maple syrup/light honey or other natural sugars instead of white sugar.
  13. The substitute you use needs to be able to caramelize. Stevia, xylitol, Splenda will not caramelize so will not work in this recipe.

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