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my take on “Pillsbury” Cinnamon rolls that are more diet and diabetes friendly

Servings: 8 rolls

Servings: 8 rolls
  • Spray olive oil
  • 1 Tbs Splenda
  • 1 Tbs Splenda Brown Sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 can Pillsbury Crescent Round Crescent Rolls
  • 2 Tbs butter
  • 3 Tbs Pillsbury Sugar Free Vanilla Frosting (from a can)
  1. set oven to 375*.
  2. put 2 oven racks at lower center position and higher center position.
  3. mix Splenda, Brown Sugar Splenda, and cinnamon in a small mixing bowl.
  4. open Pillsbury Round Crescent rolls and separate them into 8 pieces without unrolling.
  5. coat each roll in the Splenda cinnamon mixture, then place in pie pan. 1 roll in center and 7 around the outer edge.
  6. place addition Splenda mixture on top of each roll with a spoon.
  7. melt butter.
  8. drizzle all of the melted butter across all 8 rolls.
  9. place pan of rolls in oven on lower center rack and bake 12 minutes.
  10. after 12 minutes move pan to higher center rack and bake 3 minutes.
  11. remove pan from oven and cover loosely with foil. return to higher center rack and bake 3 minutes.
  12. melt Pillsbury Sugar Free Vanilla Frosting.
  13. remove pan from oven and leave rolls in pan. drizzle melted frosting over rolls while,they are still hot.
  14. serve while warm.
  • moving rolls from lower rack to higher rack and then covering with foil ensures the rolls get baked all the way through. otherwise the butter can make them gooey inside.

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