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recipe for 1 kg
  • 1 kg plain flour
  • 20g Iodised salt
  • 70g bakers artisan 7%
  • 13g yeast
  • 750 ml water
  • 50ml olive oil
  1. 1) place all ingredients except oil into a mixer (see recipe above/calculate dough temperature)
  2. 2) mixing time approx. 7 min slow/up to 30 mins fast (dough temp 26° until dough is fully developed. add olive oil to developed doug and mix 1 to 2 min at slow speed.
  3. 3) rest in oiled container for at least 60 to 90 mins (cover container with lid or plastic)
  4. 4) divide into 500g (100g for ciabattina) shape slighhtly longish and place them with seal on top on flat trays which are heavily dusted with rye flour.
  5. 5) dry prove (cover ciabatta with plastic) approx. 45 to 60 mins until dough is fully proved (indentation test).
  6. 6) roll dough piece over - be gentle/ seal should now be on the bottom - gentle reshape before placing in the oven.
  7. 7) pre-heat oven 230°C (steam) once bread is pkaced in oven, recuce temperature to 200°C and bake for approx.45 to 50 min (open damper/vent after 25 mins.

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