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Whipped Coffee
  • 2 TBSP of instant coffee
  • 2 TBSP of sugar
  • 2 TBSP of boiling water
  • 8 oz iced milk or milk substitute
  1. Combine instant coffee, sugar and hot water in a bowl and use a hand mixer on high till stiff peaks occur. ( about 4 to 5 minutes )
  2. If you are making more than one coffee, I recommend putting your ingredients in a stand mixer. It can whip it up in no time.
  3. Look at what kind of instant coffee you are using. I used Foldgers Breakfast blend, but if you are using a stronger blend or an instant espresso, you may have to play with the ratio of sugar because it may be too bitter.
  4. Serve over iced milk or any other milk substitute.

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