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My Easy Pea Guacamole
Finding the price of avocados or the lack of availability problematic. This recipe can tastefully and easily substitute for your usual Guacamole recipe.

Servings: 4

Servings: 4
  • 10 to 12 oz (300g) shelled peas, frozen or fresh, ESPECIALLY NOT CANNED
  • 1 pkg. Old El Paso Guacamole Seasoning Mix
  • 2 tbsp Almond Tahini (optional)
  • ¼ tsp garlic powder (optional)
  • ⅛ tsp Tabasco
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice (this will add flavor and preserve color).
  • Salt, Pepper to taste
  1. Steam the peas for 14 minutes, or until just tender, and let cool.
  2. If using fresh cilantro, remove the leaves and set aside and use for presentation garnish on top.
  3. Put the peas, the almond puree, the garlic, the Tabasco, a little salt and pepper in the bowl of a robot or a blender, and puree. If the mixture is a little too thick for the food processor blade to pick up well, add a little water, a tsp at a time, to loosen it up. (You could do the same by hand in a large mortar.)
  4. Taste, adjust the seasoning, and spread on multigrain crackers. The poicamole can be prepared the day before and kept refrigerated in an airtight container. It keeps for 2 or 3 days.

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