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French Toast Crepe Chaffles
1.7 Carbs,  Breakfast, wrap (without sweetener) for pimento cheese spread, so many possibilities!

Servings: Two 4 inch pliable Chaffles

Servings: Two 4 inch pliable Chaffles
  • 1 oz. butter
  • 1 oz. Cream cheese
  • 1 egg
  • Optional -1 tsp. Coconut Flour. (I haven’t tried this yet)
  • Optional for sweet :  2 tsp. Erythitol powdered sweetener (what worked...try whatever you have)
  • Flavoring options for sweet...vanilla, cinnamon, orange zest, cacao powder etc...
  • Flavoring options for savory (leave out sweetener):  Herbs de Provence, Garlic Powder, etc...
  • Savory option:  swap out cream cheese to goat cheese, Italian Seasoning, salt, garlic powder
  • Jalapeño topper-jalapeno’s, bacon, hot sauce
  • Non stick spray for the Mini Dash Waffle maker ($10 at Target)
  1. 1. Soften butter and cream cheese in a covered bowl in Microwave on defrost 30 seconds. Stir.  Mine was softly melted, not runny.
  2. 2.  Plug in Dash Mini Waffle Maker to heat up.
  3. 3.  Add egg, sweetener, flavorings and mix well with fork until smooth.
  4. 4.  Spray Waffle Maker inside top and bottom to keep from sticking for each Chaffle  (I use olive oil mister)
  5. 5.  Do not add cheese to the bottom/top as in other Chaffle recipes.  This is a crepe.
  6. 6.  Bake for 3 minutes until it isn’t steaming much.
  7. 7.  Roll up and eat with fingers or on a plate if you can wait that long.  :)
  • Variation, 1 tsp coconut flour, ¼ tsp. Baking powder

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