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Tortellini Skewers Appetizer
  • Package Tortellini - Cheese or really whatever is your favorite variety!
  • Cherry Tomatoes - Sometimes called salad tomatoes as well
  • Salami - Here you can pick your favorite varieties as well, I like just plain Italian Salami because it keeps it more inclusive for those who don’t care for too much spice, aka keeps it kid friendly.
  • Italian Dressing - Choose your favorite variety here, you can keep it classic, zesty, healthy, heck if you wanted to make your own dressing that is totally cool.
  • Pearl or Cherry sized Fresh Mozzarella - As of late the groceries near my house have been inconsistent with the cheese selections, not that really has to do with you making the recipe but you can use either the smaller pearl size or the next size up cherry size fresh mozzarella here. In a pinch you could grab any type of mozzarella and cube it yourself as well.
  • For a complete detailed list of the ingredients continue towards the bottom of the page.
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