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Coconut Curry Chicken

Servings: Makes 4 servings

Servings: Makes 4 servings
  • 2 to 3 chicken breasts (1 to 1 ¼ lbs) sliced into bite-sized pieces
  • 3 Tbsp Coconut oil
  • 2 Tbsp garlic salt
  • 1 Tbsp almond flour (Optional)
  • 1 can (~12-14oz.) coconut milk (Note: I use Chaokoh b/c it’s cheap and only 2g carbs per ⅓ cup, but any brand will do! Just be sure to check the label for any added sweetener)
  • 2 tsp curry powder
  • Cayenne pepper (Really anything with a kick will work -- crushed red pepper, red chili powder, a teeny portion of chopped jalapeno…)
  • 3 to 4 large basil leaves, chopped (Optional)
  • Your favorite veggies! I recommend: bell pepper, mushrooms, shallots
  • Cilantro (Optional : for garnish and a little pop at the end!)
  1. Make that chicken toasty golden: Heat 2 tbsp coconut oil on medium-high heat, coating the bottom of the skillet. While it’s heating, toss the chicken pieces in the almond flour and garlic salt so that they’re evenly dusted. Dump the chicken into the oil on the skillet and add the curry powder and cayenne pepper. Stir/toss until the outside of the chicken looks toasty and delicious (~10 min). Set aside the chicken. You can even skip the next step if you’re out of veggies, short on time, or you want a dish that’s only 2g carbs or less!
  2. Saute the veggies: Add a little extra coconut oil to the skillet to make sure the bottom’s still coated, and throw your fresh or canned veggies in. (Frozen veggies work, but you’ll want to boil them separately before this step). Toss in a little bit of extra spices, and once it’s aromatic and looking delicious (5 to 7 min), add the chicken back in.
  3. Mix it all up and simmer: Once you’ve added the chicken back to the skillet, dump the can of coconut milk in and stir. Add the basil leaves. Turn the heat down to low and simmer for another 5 to 7 minutes, stirring frequently to make sure everything is coated in creamy, spicy goodness.
  4. EAT

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