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1,660 calories
158g of protein

830 calories
79g of protein

Servings: 2

Servings: 2
  • 480g of chicken breast, cut into cubes - 800 calories - 148g of protein
  • 1 can of Nestle media crema - 600 calories
  • 1 can of Nestle Carnation Evaporated Milk - 200 calories - 10g of protein
  • 2 San Marcos Peppers Chipotle - 20 calories
  • 2tsps of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of Mazola Canola Oil - 40 calories
  • Salt to taste
  1. Cut chicken up into cubes. Mix with garlic powder.
  2. In pan heat up pan with oil and cook chicken.
  3. While chicken is cooking in a blender put your chipotle peppers and evaporated milk. Blend till smooth.
  4. Add sauce to chicken that is still cooking and cook for 5 minutes while mixing so it doesn't burn.
  5. Check the flavor and if need be then add salt to taste.
  • Pair with rice

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