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  • note: Huge plate of lettuce or any leafy greens such as spinach
  • note: 1 large bubble but tomato, diced (you’ll get that if you listen to the poddy… or 2 smaller)
  • note: ½ cup cooked or canned beans and ½ cup cooked brown rice (or just 1 full cup beans)
  • note: seasoning to taste or Mineral salt and pepper
  • note: couple tsp water if needed
  1. 1.Chop lettuce or don’t but if you’re like me and hate big pieces.. chopping is best and lay on huge plate.
  2. 2. Put diced tomato in pan with rice and beans and season to your liking. Heat for a few minutes and allow to bubble… add water if it gets too dry.
  3. 3. Pour hot tomato stew over salad greens then top with plant strong dressing (listed below).
  4. Plant Strong Dressing FP or S
  5. 1 tsp. Nut butter (use q full Tbs for S)
  6. 2 Tbs. water (divided)
  7. 1 Tbs Nutritional Yeast
  8. Braggs Liquid Aminos (to taste but do be generous)
  9. Cayenne pepper to taste
  10. Optional sprinkling of on plan sweetener
  11. 1. Using a fork, whisk together nut butter and 1 Tbs of the water in a small jar or glass. Now add Nutritional yeast, whisk again then add the other Tbs water and keep whisking. Add a couple generous squirts of Bragg Liquid Aminos and a small sprinkle cayenne then stir and pour all over your Hot Tomato Salad.

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